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Brooke Bibeault was Miss Massachusetts Teen USA 2010


1st runner-up 2009

Miss Massachusetts Teen USA 2010 was Brookelyn Bibeault, a senior at a senior at Blackstone Valley Technical High School in Uxbridge. Brooke was a high-achieving student, enthusiastic volunteer and part-time model. Since passing on her title she has worked internationally in the business, mining and strategic advisory fields, and she now lives with her partner in South Africa.

2010 bio:

Brooke Bibeault is looking forward to her reign as the newly crowned Miss Massachusetts Teen USA for 2010. She resides in Uxbridge with her parents and younger brother and is currently a senior at Blackstone Valley Technical High School. Brooke has been a member of both the Varsity Basketball and Track and Field teams for four years and was an AllStar Basketball Player and MVP. She is currently the captain of her Varsity Basketball Team.
Brooke has been the recipient of many academic awards including her participation and National Bronze Medal in Skills USA, an entrepreneurship competition, and a recent State Gold Medal. Brooke recently became President of her school’s FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) Chapter where she along with her team will compete nationally in Tennessee in July. She is also an active member of The Fashion Club, Leo Club, and DECA. This year she received The Abigail Adams Scholarship.Her modeling credits include Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in New York City and Couture Fashion Week. You can also look for Brooke on the big screen in fall 2010 in Sex and The City 2 in a speaking role. Brooke hopes to attend college in New York City in order to pursue her career in modeling while studying pre-law and public relations.Brooke has enjoyed volunteering with her local Senior Center and The Battered Women’s Shelter. She has put her love of sports to use at The Grafton Youth Basketball Camps hoping to inspire fitness and sportsmanship to aspiring athletes. She has also lent her time to The Big Brother, Big Sister organizations and to the Caridad Center. Her fundraising efforts include helping The American Cancer Society to raise $10,000.”Team Together We Can” otherwise known as BVT’s Cancer Awareness Network is a group that Brooke is strongly supporting. The SkillsUSA Community Service Team that created the cancer awareness network has asked that she become an ambassador for their message. It is important that the world knows that cancer impacts everyone. It is a disease that is non-discriminatory. It is a disease that we must try to cure. And Brooke is excited to do her part in doing so.Brooke is an advocate of seatbelts. Simple measures save lives. She wants to stress to teens the importance of wearing a seatbelt. The number of youth auto accidents is on the rise and she hopes to bring attention and awareness to this cause.

Miss Teen USA pageant photos

Competing in the Miss Teen USA pageant is once-in-a-lifetime event few get to experience. Here are Brooke’s official Miss Teen USA photos.

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