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Miss Teen USA


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Miss Oregon USA and Teen USA Titleholder History

Your ultimate Miss USA state pageant resource

Take a trip back into the history of the Miss Oregon USA and Teen USA pageants, from the first winner to the most recent. Get to know every single Miss and Teen titleholder with a full listing, hometown map and extensive photo archive, with state pageant photos, Miss USA and Teen USA competition photos and more.

Oregon’s three Miss Teen USAs
Miss Teen USA 1988 Mindy Duncan

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A guide to the state titleholder listings...

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA titleholders from Oregon



16 • Newberg


Bridgette Wilson

16 • Gold Beach



18 • Phoenix

Miss Oregon USA titleholders 1952-2023

Recent titleholders

Oregon USA icon 2020
Katerina Villegas

27 • Hillsboro

Oregon USA icon 2021
Allison Cook

27 • Portland

Oregon USA icon 2022
Arielle Freytag

28 • Harrisburg

Oregon USA icon 2023
Manju Bangalore

26 • Corvallis

Miss Oregon USA 2024 Shayla Montgomery
Shayla Montgomery

22 • Portland

Placements and Awards Summary


2nd runner-up

Gail Atchison (1976)


Maralyn Turner (1956), Joyce Collin (1962), Toye Esch (1964), Maureen Bassett (1967), Laura Smith (1970), Debbie Epperson (1984), Olga Calderon (1991), Endia Abrante (2001)

Top 8/10/11/12*

Jennifer Murphy (2004)

Top 15/16/20*

* Where the semi-finalists are cut in multiple stages before the top 5 or 6



Denise White (1994), Gabrielle Neilan (2013)


State Costume

Joyce Collin (1962), Maureen Bassett (1967)

Gail Atchison (left) is Oregon's only top five finalist at Miss USA, finishing 2nd runner-up in 1976

Full Titleholder Listing

2024Shayla MontgomeryPortland22Previously Miss OR Teen USA 2020 (1RU at Miss Teen USA)
2023Manju BangaloreCorvallis26
2022Arielle FreytagHarrisburg28
2021Allison Cook^Portland27Previously Miss OR 2013
2020Katerina VillegasHillsboro27
2019Natalie TonnesonPortland28
2018Toneata MorganCoquille22Top 15
2017Elizabeth DennyRoseburg26
2016Natriana ShorterEugene25
2015Bridget WilmesCanby22
2014Emma PelettPortland25
2013Gabrielle NeilanGresham23Congeniality
2012Alaina BergsmaEugene22Photogenic
2011Anna ProsserPortland26
2010Kate PaulMitchell24
2009Sylvie TarpinianEugene24
2008Mary Lee HorchCorvallis24
2007Sharitha McKenziePortland23
2006Allison MachadoMedford24
2005Jessica CarlsonPortland24
2004Jennifer MurphyMedford25Top 10
2003Myah MoorePortland21
2002Kristi WalkoskiWilsonville23
2001Endia AbranteEugene21Semi-finalist
2000Elizabeth HeitmanekMedford19
1999Amy NelsonEugene20
1998Kara JonesEugene20
1997Heather WilliamsGold Beach25
1996Jill Chartier*Roseburg21Previously Miss OR Teen USA 1993 (SF Miss Teen USA)
1995Karrie GrovePortland24
1994Denise WhiteLake Oswego25Congeniality
1993Dawn KennedyLake Oswego24
1992Terrie HouseAstoria22
1991Olga Calderon*Beaverton22Semi-finalistPreviously Miss OR Teen USA 1985
1990Elizabeth MichaudPortland24
1989Jenifer BlaskaCentral Point20
1988Elaine RohrerPortland19
1987Tamara "Tamie" PrimianoPortland21
1986Kimberly StubblefieldLake Oswego18
1985Jodi UnruhEugene20
1984Debbie EppersonAloha21Semi-finalist
1983Shelley KiserTigard19
1982Kristina BauerDundee17
1981Dawn LewisPortland22
1980Martha "Marti" Viducich Salem19
1979Kathleen "Katie" FitzpatrickSalem20
1978Julie HeaterStayton19
1977Charisse CharltonPortland19
1976Gail AtchisonScio222nd runner-up
1975Theresa FavreauPortland20
1974Peggy Ann GerdingPhilomath20
1973Judy BishopPortland19
1972Yvonne PhilesPortland20
1971Connie Oost†McMinnville18† 2005
1970Laura SmithPortland18Semi-finalist
1969Karen MortonCamp Sherman19
1968Marsha MayerPortland19
1967Maureen BassettBeaverton20Semi-finalistCostume
1966Sharon GerritzTroutdale19
x1965Leslie BruchnerEugene21
1964Toye EschSalem20Semi-finalist
1963Joset FisherPortland20
1962Joyce CollinLebanon20Semi-finalistCostume
1961Did Not Compete
1960Did Not Compete
1959Did Not Compete
1958Did Not Compete
1957Sonja Landsem†Portland20† 2015
1956Maralyn TurnerCottage Grove19Semi-finalist
1955Rose Karcha†Salem21† 2004
1954Charlotte MillerToledo18
1953Did Not Compete
1952Beth Bailey†Portland27
2024Shayla MontgomeryPortland22Previously Miss OR Teen USA 2020 (1RU at Miss Teen USA)
2023Manju BangaloreCorvallis25
2022Arielle FreytagHarrisburg28
2021Allison Cook^Portland27Previously Miss OR 2013
2020Katerina VillegasHillsboro27
2019Natalie TonnesonPortland28
2018Toneata MorganCoquille22Top 15
2017Elizabeth DennyRoseburg26
2016Natriana ShorterEugene25
2015Bridget WilmesCanby22
2014Emma PelettPortland25
2013Gabrielle NeilanGresham23Congeniality
2012Alaina BergsmaEugene22Photogenic
2011Anna ProsserPortland26
2010Kate PaulMitchell24
2009Sylvie TarpinianEugene24
2008Mary Lee HorchCorvallis24
2007Sharitha McKenziePortland23
2006Allison MachadoMedford24
2005Jessica CarlsonPortland24
2004Jennifer MurphyMedford25Top 10
2003Myah MoorePortland21
2002Kristi WalkoskiWilsonville23
2001Endia AbranteEugene21Semi-finalist
2000Elizabeth HeitmanekMedford19
1999Amy NelsonEugene20
1998Kara JonesEugene20
1997Heather WilliamsGold Beach25
1996Jill Chartier*Roseburg21Previously Miss OR Teen USA 1993 (SF Miss Teen USA)
1995Karrie GrovePortland24
1994Denise WhiteLake Oswego25Congeniality
1993Dawn KennedyLake Oswego24
1992Terrie HouseAstoria22
1991Olga Calderon*Beaverton22Semi-finalistPreviously Miss OR Teen USA 1985
1990Elizabeth MichaudPortland24
1989Jenifer BlaskaCentral Point20
1988Elaine RohrerPortland19
1987Tamara "Tamie" PrimianoPortland21
1986Kimberly StubblefieldLake Oswego18
1985Jodi UnruhEugene20
1984Debbie EppersonAloha21Semi-finalist
1983Shelley KiserTigard19
1982Kristina BauerDundee17
1981Dawn LewisPortland22
1980Martha "Marti" Viducich Salem19
1979Kathleen "Katie" FitzpatrickSalem20
1978Julie HeaterStayton19
1977Charisse CharltonPortland19
1976Gail AtchisonScio222nd runner-up
1975Theresa FavreauPortland20
1974Peggy Ann GerdingPhilomath20
1973Judy BishopPortland19
1972Yvonne PhilesPortland20
1971Connie Oost†McMinnville18† 2005
1970Laura SmithPortland18Semi-finalist
1969Karen MortonCamp Sherman19
1968Marsha MayerPortland19
1967Maureen BassettBeaverton20Semi-finalistCostume
1966Sharon GerritzTroutdale19
1965Leslie BruchnerEugene21
1964Toye EschSalem20Semi-finalist
1963Joset FisherPortland20
1962Joyce CollinLebanon20Semi-finalistCostume
1961Did Not Compete
1960Did Not Compete
1959Did Not Compete
1958Did Not Compete
1957Sonja Landsem†Portland20† 2015
1956Maralyn TurnerCottage Grove19Semi-finalist
1955Rose Karcha†Salem21† 2004
1954Charlotte MillerToledo18
1953Did Not Compete
1952Beth Bailey†Portland27

State and Miss USA Photo Album

Miss Oregon Teen USA titleholders 1983-2023

Recent Titleholders

Oregon Teen USA icon 2020
Shayla Montgomery

18 • Portland

1st runner-up
at Miss Teen USA