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Miss Ohio USA and Teen USA Titleholder History

Your ultimate Miss USA state pageant resource

Take a trip back into the history of the Miss Ohio USA and Teen USA pageants, from the first winner to the most recent. Get to know every single Miss and Teen titleholder with a full listing, hometown map and extensive photo archive, with state pageant photos, Miss USA and Teen USA competition photos and more.

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A guide to the state titleholder listings...

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA titleholders from Ohio


Sue Ann Downey

20 • Columbus

2nd runner-up
at Miss Universe



20 • Germantown

at Miss Universe



16 • Vermilion


Miss Ohio USA titleholders 1952-2022

Recent titleholders

Ohio USA icon 2020
Sthephanie Miranda

27 • Campbell


Ohio USA icon 2021
Nicole Wess

23 • Cincinnati


Ohio USA icon 2022
Sir'Quora Carroll

23 • Columbus

3rd runner-up
at Miss USA

Ohio USA icon 2023
Mackenzie Schutt

28 • Westerville


Miss Ohio USA 2024 Macy Hudson
Macy Hudson

24 • Dayton

4th runner-up
at Miss USA

Placements and Awards Summary



Sue Downey (1965), Kim Seelbrede (1981)

1st runner-up

Halle Berry (1986)

2nd runner-up

Audrey Bolte (2012)

3rd runner-up

Kim Ann Weeda (1982), Stacy Offenberger (2006), Sir’Quora Carroll (2022)

4th runner-up

Kathy Gabriel (1957), Kathleen Kehlmier (1972), Macy Hudson (2024)


Eleanor Mack (1953), Barbara Randa (1954), Eleanor Wood (1956), Corrine Huff (1960), Gail Krielow (1964), Karen Dietz (1966), Linda Hoyle (1968), Jane Harrison (1970), Melissa Proctor (1990), Melinda Miller (1999)

Top 8/10/11/12*

Kristin Smith (2013), Alice Magoto (2019)

Top 15/16/20*

* Where the semi-finalists are cut in multiple stages before the top 5 or 6



Monica Day (2008)


Elizabeth Kim Thomas (1980)

State Costume

Elizabeth Kim Thomas (1980), Kim Ann Weeda (1982)

Halle Berry is the Miss USA pageant's most notable first runner-up

Full Titleholder Listing

2024Macy HudsonDayton244th runner-up
2023Mackenzie SchuttWesterville28
2022Sir'Quora CarrollColumbus233rd runner-up
2021Nicole WessCincinnati23
2020Sthephanie MirandaCampbell27Top 15
2019Alice Magoto^Cincinnati21Top 10Previously
Miss OH 2016
2018Deneen PennCortland20
2017Dinaleigh BaxterWinchester24
2016Megan WiseGallipolis26Top 15
2015Sarah NewkirkJackson25
2014Madison GesiottoMassillon22
2013Kristin SmithDayton21Top 10
2012Audrey BolteBatavia232nd runner-up
2011Ashley CaldwellGallipolis24
2010Amanda TempelSt. Bernard20
2009Natasha VivodaChampion21
2008Monica DayGrove City25Congeniality
2007Anna MelomudRichmond Heights22
2006Stacy Offenberger*Vincent263rd runner-upPreviously Miss OH Teen USA 1998
2005Aisha BerryCincinnati25
2004Lauren Kelsey HallWellston20
2003Candace SmithDayton26
2002Kimberly MullenHuber Heights23
2001Amanda CanaryColumbus26
2000Cheya Watkins^Cincinnati22Previously Miss OH 1998
1999Melinda MillerToledo25Semi-finalist
1998Cynthia MaddenAnderson Township24
1997Michelle Mouser*Columbus23Previously Miss OH Teen USA 1991
1996Melissa BoydMassillon22
1995Julia HughesGrove City22
1994Lisa Michelle AllisonGahanna23
1993Andrea PacioneNorth Royalton21
1992Courtney BaberCincinnati23
1991Amy GlazeLucasville22
1990Melissa ProctorWest Chester22Semi-finalist
1989Lisa ThompsonMarion24
1988Gina WestPickerington20
1987Hallie BonnellAkron21Mother of Miss NJ Teen USA 2013 (SF Miss Teen USA) & Miss VA USA 2021 Christina Thompson
1986Halle BerryOakwood Village191st runner-up5RU Miss World 1986; Academy Award winning actress
1985Lisa BarlowVandalia21
1984Roxi ErwinPickerington21
1983Gina GangaleYoungstown22
1982Kim Ann WeedaDayton213rd runner-up
1981KIM SEELBREDEGermantown20Miss USASF Miss Universe 1981
1980Elizabeth Kim ThomasNew Richmond20
1979Carolyn HoulihanYoungstown18Photogenic, Best State Costume
1978Sheila AndersonNorwood20
1977Lesa RummellParis19Mother of Miss Teen USA 2005 Allie LaForce
1976Karen MyersColumbus23
1975Sandy KurdasConneaut18
1974Kay PhillipsBedford21
1973Jacqueline UrbanekParma Heights21
1972Kathleen KehlmierColumbus194th runner-up
1971Karen HausChagrin Falls24
1970Jane HarrisonWickliffe18Semi-finalist
1969Marlynn SingletonWesterville18Assumed title
1969Terry ChellisColumbus21Resigned when she became ill in Miami prior to the competition
1968Linda HoyleColumbus21Semi-finalist
1967Phyllis SmithCaldwell20
1966Karen DietzWilloughby21Semi-finalist
1965SUE ANNE DOWNEYColumbus20Miss USA2RU Miss Universe 1965
1964Gail KrielowRichmond Heights20Semi-finalist1RU Miss International 1965
1963Gloria Jean McBrideColumbus21Assumed title
1963Andrea GetzlaffSolon17Disqualified as she was not yet 18
1962Joan ColucyMassillon22
1961Alice Lou EnglemanAshtabula23
1960Corrine HuffYoungstown19Semi-finalistAssumed title
1960Kathy JusticePoland17Disqualified as she was not yet 18
1959Marie DicarloPoland18
1958Cindy Ann GarrisonCanton18
1957Kathryn "Kathy" GabrielCleveland204th runner-up
1956Eleanor WoodCanton18Semi-finalist
1955Carol HagermanColumbus20
1954Barbara RandaPainesville19Semi-finalist
1953Eleanor MackBellaire20Semi-finalist
1952Margie BroeringCincinnati18
2024Macy HudsonDayton244th runner-up
2023Mackenzie SchuttWesterville28
2022Sir'Quora CarrollColumbus233rd runner-up
2021Nicole WessCincinnati23
2020Sthephanie MirandaCampbell27Top 15
2019Alice Magoto^Cincinnati21Top 10Previously Miss OH 2016
2018Deneen PennCortland20
2017Dinaleigh BaxterWinchester24
2016Megan WiseGallipolis26Top 15
2015Sarah NewkirkJackson25
2014Madison GesiottoMassillon22
2013Kristin SmithDayton21Top 10
2012Audrey BolteBatavia232nd runner-up
2011Ashley CaldwellGallipolis24
2010Amanda TempelSt. Bernard20
2009Natasha VivodaChampion21
2008Monica DayGrove City25Congeniality
2007Anna MelomudRichmond Heights22
2006Stacy Offenberger*Vincent263rd runner-upPreviously Miss OH Teen USA 1998
2005Aisha BerryCincinnati25
2004Lauren Kelsey HallWellston20
2003Candace SmithDayton26
2002Kimberly MullenHuber Heights23
2001Amanda CanaryColumbus26
2000Cheya Watkins^Cincinnati22Previously Miss OH 1998
1999Melinda MillerToledo25Semi-finalist
1998Cynthia MaddenAnderson Township24
1997Michelle Mouser*Columbus23Previously Miss OH Teen USA 1991
1996Melissa BoydMassillon22
1995Julia HughesGrove City22
1994Lisa Michelle AllisonGahanna23
1993Andrea PacioneNorth Royalton21
1992Courtney BaberCincinnati23
1991Amy GlazeLucasville22
1990Melissa ProctorWest Chester22Semi-finalist
1989Lisa ThompsonMarion24
1988Gina WestPickerington20
1987Hallie BonnellAkron21Mother of Miss NJ Teen USA 2013 (SF Miss Teen USA) & Miss VA USA 2021 Christina Thompson
1986Halle BerryOakwood Village191st runner-up5RU Miss World 1986; Academy Award winning actress
1985Lisa BarlowVandalia21
1984Roxi ErwinPickerington21
1983Gina GangaleYoungstown22
1982Kim Ann WeedaDayton213rd runner-up
1981KIM SEELBREDEGermantown20Miss USASF Miss Universe 1981
1980Elizabeth Kim ThomasNew Richmond20
1979Carolyn HoulihanYoungstown18Photogenic, Best State Costume
1978Sheila AndersonNorwood20
1977Lesa RummellParis19Mother of Miss Teen USA 2005 Allie LaForce
1976Karen MyersColumbus23
1975Sandy KurdasConneaut18
1974Kay PhillipsBedford21
1973Jacqueline UrbanekParma Heights21
1972Kathleen KehlmierColumbus194th runner-up
1971Karen HausChagrin Falls24
1970Jane HarrisonWickliffe18Semi-finalist
1969Marlynn SingletonWesterville18Assumed title
1969Terry ChellisColumbus21Resigned when she became ill in Miami prior to the competition
1968Linda HoyleColumbus21Semi-finalist
1967Phyllis SmithCaldwell20
1966Karen DietzWilloughby21Semi-finalist
1965SUE ANNE DOWNEYColumbus20Miss USA2RU Miss Universe 1965
1964Gail KrielowRichmond Heights20Semi-finalist1RU Miss International 1965
1963Gloria Jean McBrideColumbus21Assumed title
1963Andrea GetzlaffSolon17Disqualified as she was not yet 18
1962Joan ColucyMassillon22
1961Alice Lou EnglemanAshtabula23
1960Corrine HuffYoungstown19Semi-finalistAssumed title
1960Kathy JusticePoland17Disqualified as she was not yet 18
1959Marie DicarloPoland18
1958Cindy Ann GarrisonCanton18
1957Kathryn "Kathy" GabrielCleveland204th runner-up
1956Eleanor WoodCanton18Semi-finalist
1955Carol HagermanColumbus20
1954Barbara RandaPainesville19Semi-finalist
1953Eleanor MackBellaire20Semi-finalist
1952Margie BroeringCincinnati18

State and Miss USA Photo Album