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Miss Arkansas USA and Teen USA Titleholder History

Your ultimate Miss USA state pageant resource

Take a trip back into the history of the Miss Arkansas USA and Teen USA pageants, from the first winner to the most recent. Get to know every single Miss and Teen titleholder with a full listing, hometown map and extensive photo archive, with state pageant photos, Miss USA and Teen USA competition photos and more.

Terri Utley’s successor, Miss Arkansas USA 1982 Leanne Derryberry, and her official car • Grant Gravitt
Miss Arkansas USA 1982 Terri Utley, before she won Miss USA

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Miss Arkansas USA and Teen USA Titleholder History

1950s – Arkansas’ decade to shine

Arkansas has competed at every Miss USA pageant since 1952 and their most successful decade was in those first few years of the Miss USA pageant, with three semi-finalist and two runner-up placements, including getting called four consecutive years. Margaret Haywood placed first runner-up at Miss USA 1955 and went on to also finish first runner-up at Miss World.

Poultry Princesses

You might know that in the 1970s, many of the state pageant titles were styled Miss State Universe… but did you know that in the early 1960s, it was the Arkansas Poultry Princess winner that went on to represent the Land of Opportunity at Miss USA? In the news clippings section there’s a photo from 1963 of Arkansas representative Cheryl Bechtelheimer and governor Orval Faubus watching intently as Miss Universe Ieda Maria Vargas chomps down on a chicken drumstick.

Terri Utley and that photo

Terri Utley’s reaction to winning Miss USA is one of the most recognisable photos from the 1980s era of Miss USA and one of the few quality photos in colour. Terri was the first Miss USA to win with short hair and her small-town charm set her apart.

Twins so identical they “could have swapped with each other on stage”

Check out the news clippings for a great photo of Miss Arkansas USA 1981 Lynnanne Derryberry and her identical twin sister Leann taken at the Miss USA pageant in Biloxi. Their story continued with Leann placing first runner-up to Terri Utley in the 1982 pageant and assuming the title when Teri won Miss USA.

Keeping it in the family

The Derryberry twins aren’t the only Arkansas titleholders with family connections. The first ever Miss Arkansas Teen USA Angela Boyd is the sister of Miss Arkansas USA 1984 Shelly Boyd (who sadly passed away in 2022), Miss Arkansas Teen USA 1988 Jessica Welch and Miss Arkansas Teen USA 2006 Taylor Wright are aunt and niece and Miss Arkansas Teen USA 2016 Makenzie Sexton is the daughter of Miss Missouri USA 1992 Tonya Snodgrass. The daughter of Paula Montgomery, Miss Arkansas Teen USA 1991 and later Miss Arkansas 1995, won Miss Arkansas’ Outstanding Teen 2017 title and made the top 9 at Miss America’s Outstanding Teen.  Miss Arkansas Teen USA 2021 & Miss Arkansas USA 2024 Madeline Bohlman is the cousin of Miss America 2024 Madison Marsh (who herself was a semi-finalist at Miss Arkansas USA 2022

Vanbros – setting Arkansas up for success

When Vanbros took over the Arkansas pageant in 2008, the state hadn’t placed at Miss Teen USA since 1985, at the time one of the longest ongoing periods without a Teen placement of any state. In Vanbros’ very first year, Stevi Perry blew that “curse” out of the water, winning Arkansas’ first ever Miss Teen USA title, followed by semi-finalist finishes for Allison Kusenberger and Megan Michelle Burgess in 2009 & 2010. The following year Arkansas recorded only their second Miss USA placement since Terri Utley’s win in 1982, followed by their first back to back placement since the 1950s the following year.  Since 2010 Arkansas has placed three times at Miss USA and four times at Miss Teen USA.

Former Teens back with a vengeance in the 2010s

When Miss Arkansas Teen USA 2013 Abby Floyd won the Miss Arkansas USA title in 2016, the first former Teen to win in 20 years, it set off an unusual streak of three consecutive Teen titleholders winning the Miss title in three years – although the order of the last two was flipped, with 2015 Teen Arynn Johnson holding the 2017 title and crowning 2014 Teen Lauren Weaver as Miss AR USA 2018. All three made the top five at Miss Arkansas Teen USA 2013, alongside 2016 Teen winner Makenzie Sexton.

Miss USA and Miss Teen USA titleholders from Arkansas


Terri Utley

20 • Cabot

4th runner-up
at Miss Universe


Stevi Perry

18 • Hamburg


Miss Arkansas USA titleholders 1952-2022

Recent titleholders

Arkansas USA icon 2020
Haley Rose Pontius

24 • Houston


Arkansas USA icon 2021
Stephanie Barber

23 • Fayetteville


Arkansas USA icon 2022
Rylie Wagner

22 • Ozark


Arkansas USA icon 2023
Mackenzie Hinderberger

24 • Farmington

Semi-finalist at
Miss USA

Miss Arkansas USA 2024 Madeline Bohlman
Madeline Bohlman

22 • Fayetteville


Placements and Awards Summary



Terry Utley (1982)

1st runner-up

Margaret Haywood (1955)

2nd runner-up

Nancy McCollum (1956)

Top 5/6


Waydene Nesbitt (1954), Helen Garrott (1957), Donna Needham (1959), Ann Smithwick (1968), Mary Dial (1970), Mackenzie Hinderberger (2023)

Top 8/10/11/12*

Chanley Painter (2009), Abby Floyd (2016)

Top 15/16/20*

Jessica Furrer (2005), Adrielle Churchill (2010), Kelsey Dow (2012)

* Where the semi-finalists are cut in multiple stages before the top 5 or 6




Jennifer Sherrill (2004)

Other Awards

People’s ChoiceKelsey Dow (2012)

Nancy McCollum placed second runner-up at Miss USA 1956

Full Titleholder Listing

2024Madeline Bohlman*Fayetteville22Congeniality​Previously Miss AR Teen USA 2021; cousin of Miss America 2024 Madison Marsh
2023Mackenzie Hinderberger*Farmington24Semi-finalist​Previously Miss AR Teen USA 2018
2022Rylie WagnerOzark22
2021Stephanie BarberFayetteville23
2020Haley Rose PontiusHouston24
2019Savannah Skidmore^Calico Rock24Top 5​Previously Miss AR 2016
2018Lauren Weaver*Greenwood21​Previously Miss AR Teen USA 2014
2017Arynn Johnson*Hot Springs20Previously Miss AR Teen USA 2015 (SF Miss Teen USA 2015)
2016Abby Floyd*Searcy19Top 10Previously Miss AR Teen USA 2013 (SF Miss Teen USA 2013)
2015Leah BlefkoFayetteville21
2014Helen WisnerSherwood25
2013Hannah BillingsleyConway22
2012Kelsey DowJonesboro21Top 16People's Choice
2011Lakynn McBrideWhite Hall20
2010Adrielle ChurchillDover24Top 15
2009Chanley PainterConway24Top 10
2008Rachel HowellsAlma21
2007Kelly GeorgeSherwood24
2006Kimberly ForsythCabot26
2005Jessica FurrerConway22Top 15
2004Jennifer SherrillSherwood19Photogenic
2003Taylor CarlisleJacksonville21
2002Amber BoatmanNorphlet23
2001Jessie DavisHarrison25
2000Whitney MooreCabot22
1999Allison HeavenerMountain View22
1998Kami TiceHuntsville25
1997Tamara HenryLittle Rock20
1996Tiffany Parks*CabotPreviously Miss AR Teen USA 1993
1995Kristen BettisSherwood20
1994Hannah HilliardLittle Rock24
1993Kati FishHot Springs24
1992Jona GarnerCrossett24
1991Angela RockwellCorning18
1990Kathryn HarrisPine Bluff19
1989Paige Yandell*Greenwood18Previously Miss AR Teen USA 1987
1988Melissa Staples*Calion20Previously Miss AR Teen USA 1984
1987Sheri SmeltzerSmackover23
1986Rhonda BlaylockSpringdale22
1985Susan DeanOsceola
1984Shelly BoydManila23Sister of Miss AR Teen USA 1983; † 2022
1983Debra BaltzParis23
1982Leann DerryberryJerusalem19Succeeded Terri; twin sister of Miss AR USA 1981 Lynnanne Derryberry
1982TERRI UTLEYCabot20Miss USA
1981Lynnanne DerryberryJerusalem18Twin sister of Miss AR USA 1982 Leann Derryberry
1980Susie OwensJacksonville21
1979Cynthia CaldwellJacksonville21
1978Donna FunderburkEl Dorado22
1977Debra DureeTexarkana
1976Sonia Kay JinesConway22
1975Robin FieldsHot Springs18
1974Gina HuddleJacksonville18
1973Christal PhifferTexarkana19
1972Susan TichenorPine Bluff22
1971Paula KeithLittle Rock20
1970Mary DialMalvern21Semi-finalist
1969Leonette ReedHeber Springs22
1968Ann SmithwickJacksonville19Semi-finalist
1967Katy WurstFort Smith19
1966Peggy JonesGreen Forest182020
1965Jeri HaynieEl Dorado20
1964Barbara McGlothlinLittle Rock20
1963Cheryl BechtelheimerCamden192015
1962Linda RigganLeola21
1961Mickey LambertEl Dorado202023
1960Gene ChambersDanville18
1959Donna NeedhamBerryville19Semi-finalist2020
1958Nancy HillLittle Rock19† 1991
1957Helen GarrottWest Memphis19Semi-finalist
1956Nancy McCollumStuttgart192nd runner-up† 2020
1955Margaret HaywoodJonesboro191st runner-up1RU Miss World 1955; † 2017
1954Waydine NesbittMagnolia21Semi-finalist† 2005
1953Jackie StuckerWest Helena19
1952Barbara WathenJonesboro20
2024Madeline Bohlman*Fayetteville22Congeniality​Previously Miss AR Teen USA 2021; cousin of Miss America 2024 Madison Marsh
2023Mackenzie Hinderberger*Farmington24Semi-finalist​Previously Miss AR Teen USA 2018
2022Rylie WagnerOzark22
2021Stephanie BarberFayetteville23
2020Haley Rose PontiusHouston24
2019Savannah Skidmore^Calico Rock24Top 5​Previously Miss AR 2016
2018Lauren Weaver*Greenwood21​Previously Miss AR Teen USA 2014
2017Arynn Johnson*Hot Springs20Previously Miss AR Teen USA 2015 (SF Miss Teen USA 2015)
2016Abby Floyd*Searcy19Top 10Previously Miss AR Teen USA 2013 (SF Miss Teen USA 2013)
2015Leah BlefkoFayetteville21
2014Helen WisnerSherwood25
2013Hannah BillingsleyConway22
2012Kelsey DowJonesboro21Top 16People's Choice
2011Lakynn McBrideWhite Hall20
2010Adrielle ChurchillDover24Top 15
2009Chanley PainterConway24Top 10
2008Rachel HowellsAlma21
2007Kelly GeorgeSherwood24
2006Kimberly ForsythCabot26
2005Jessica FurrerConway22Top 15
2004Jennifer SherrillSherwood19Photogenic
2003Taylor CarlisleJacksonville21
2002Amber BoatmanNorphlet23
2001Jessie DavisHarrison25
2000Whitney MooreCabot22
1999Allison HeavenerMountain View22
1998Kami TiceHuntsville25
1997Tamara HenryLittle Rock20
1996Tiffany Parks*CabotPreviously Miss AR Teen USA 1993
1995Kristen BettisSherwood20
1994Hannah HilliardLittle Rock24
1993Kati FishHot Springs24
1992Jona GarnerCrossett24
1991Angela RockwellCorning18
1990Kathryn HarrisPine Bluff19
1989Paige Yandell*Greenwood18Previously Miss AR Teen USA 1987
1988Melissa Staples*Calion20Previously Miss AR Teen USA 1984
1987Sheri SmeltzerSmackover23
1986Rhonda BlaylockSpringdale22
1985Susan DeanOsceola
1984Shelly BoydManila23Sister of Miss AR Teen USA 1983; † 2022
1983Debra BaltzParis23
1982Leann DerryberryJerusalem19Succeeded Terri; twin sister of Miss AR USA 1981 Lynnanne Derryberry
1982TERRI UTLEYCabot20Miss USA
1981Lynnanne DerryberryJerusalem18Twin sister of Miss AR USA 1982 Leann Derryberry
1980Susie OwensJacksonville21
1979Cynthia CaldwellJacksonville21
1978Donna FunderburkEl Dorado22
1977Debra DureeTexarkana
1976Sonia Kay JinesConway22
1975Robin FieldsHot Springs18
1974Gina HuddleJacksonville18
1973Christal PhifferTexarkana19
1972Susan TichenorPine Bluff22
1971Paula KeithLittle Rock20
1970Mary DialMalvern21Semi-finalist
1969Leonette ReedHeber Springs22
1968Ann SmithwickJacksonville19Semi-finalist
1967Katy WurstFort Smith19
1966Peggy JonesGreen Forest182020
1965Jeri HaynieEl Dorado20
1964Barbara McGlothlinLittle Rock20
1963Cheryl BechtelheimerCamden192015
1962Linda RigganLeola21
1961Mickey LambertEl Dorado202023
1960Gene ChambersDanville18
1959Donna NeedhamBerryville19Semi-finalist2020
1958Nancy HillLittle Rock19† 1991
1957Helen GarrottWest Memphis19Semi-finalist
1956Nancy McCollumStuttgart192nd runner-up† 2020
1955Margaret HaywoodJonesboro191st runner-up1RU Miss World 1955; † 2017
1954Waydine NesbittMagnolia21Semi-finalist† 2005
1953Jackie StuckerWest Helena19
1952Barbara WathenJonesboro20

State and Miss USA Photo Album