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McKenzie Cole was Miss Mississippi Teen USA 2022


1st runner-up 2021

A native of Vicksburg, McKenzie Cole was crowned Miss Mississippi Teen USA on 2 April 2022 and represented Mississippi at the Miss Teen USA 2022 pageant in Reno, Nevada. After suffering bullying, McKenzie created her own National platform, ‘We’re in Your Corner’ which promotes inclusion and authenticity. She is a member of the National Honor Society, and received recognition for serving over 300 hours of volunteer service.

Carlos Velez

2022 bio:

Miss Mississippi Teen USA 2022 McKenzie Cole is a sophomore at St. Aloysius High School in her hometown of Vicksburg, MS. She has been honored as a member of the National Honor Society, as well as receiving recognition for serving over 300 hours of volunteer service; earning her the Presidential Volunteer Award. She was selected by her peers as the school’s “Most Entertaining” personality. She was also voted by her student body to represent her grade on the Football Homecoming Court. She is a multi-faceted student as a cheerleader and basketball player who was selected for the All-County basketball team in 2022.

​She is proud to be someone who encourages others, motivates, and gives back to her community. McKenzie has had to endure exclusion and bullying from her fellow social circles, and she has struggled to find ways to fit in with the crowd, until she discovered that maybe she was born to stand out! This is what led her to found her own National platform, We’re in Your Corner which promotes inclusion and authenticity. She expanded her platform by teaming up with two other individuals who are just as passionate about mental health as she is, and together they have brought this message of hope to people across the U.S. We’re in Your Corner is geared toward everyone, no matter your age, gender, or socioeconomic background because McKenzie and her team believe that everyone deserves someone in their corner rooting for them and showing them that they are loved just the way they are. Her belief is that mental health awareness needs to begin earlier, which is why they are currently in the process of storyboarding a children’s book that will explain the benefits of self-care and mental health awareness in a safe and appropriate manner for elementary aged children.

McKenzie has taken her self-love to the next level by putting herself out there to compete for a chance at the Jovani “It Girl” title! That confidence has paid off as she is now a semifinalist for cycle 10 and a finalist for cycle 11. McKenzie never dreamed that her wishes of becoming a successful model would be here, but through her hard work and strong modeling skillset she is accomplishing her goals at the tender age of 15 and can’t wait to see where her modeling career goes next. One day, she hopes to become an Oncologist so that she can revolutionize cancer treatment with the hopes of finding a cure for brain cancer specifically.

Miss Teen USA pageant photos

The Miss Teen USA pageant is once-in-a-lifetime event few get to experience. Here are McKenzie’s official Miss Teen USA photos.

State pageant photos

The on-stage moments, the tension of the final two and the glory of the crowning, here are McKenzie’s state pageant photos.

Professional photos

Lights, camera, action!  Professional photoshoots are one of the perks that comes from winning a title.

Candid & Appearance photos

From events straight after her crowning to her final appearances before she passes on her crown, here’s a look at all the appearances McKenzie has made during her reign, as well as other candid photos during her year.

Previous pageant photos

When McKenzie was just 14 she placed first runner-up to Mattie Grace Morris at Miss Mississippi Teen USA 2021.  Here’s a look back at her photos.

Farewell photos

All beautiful things must come to an end, no matter how bittersweet. See McKenzie’s farewell walk and other candids from the weekend she crowned her successor Claire Ulmer as Miss Mississippi Teen USA 2023.

After the crown

Winning a state title is a sisterhood for life. Here are McKenzie’s “after the crown” photos.

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