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Chaise Goris was Miss Idaho Teen USA 2015


1st runner-up 2014, 2nd runner-up 2013, Non-finalist 2012

A native of Eagle, Chaise Goris was crowned Miss Idaho Teen USA on 27 September 2014 and represented Idaho at the Miss Teen USA 2015 pageant in the Bahamas. As a recent graduate of Eagle High and Broadcast Student of the year, you can now find Chaise on the campus of BSU as an excited and eager college freshman.

Miss Teen USA pageant photos

Competing in the Miss Teen USA pageant is once-in-a-lifetime event few get to experience. Here are Chaise’s official Miss Teen USA photos.

Professional photos

Lights, camera, action!  Professional photoshoots are one of the perks that comes from winning a title.

After the crown

Winning a state title is a sisterhood for life. Here are Chaise’s “after the crown” photos.

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